Monday, July 16, 2007

The Value of Ann Coulter

it may well be true that ann coulter is nuts. she's abrasive, bitchy, and at times even childish. her books are overly simplistic and simple-minded. and, she expends too much of her energy slinging mud at her opponents.

BUT, she has one positive value. she's proud to be a good looking blonde 'aryan' gal. now, i'm not saying she's a nazi gal or that nazism or neo-nazism is good; such is evil.
what i'm saying is that american women need to liberate themselves from the wicked grip of the disgusting radical leftwing jewish hags known as radical feminists.

it started with the likes of betty friedan and bella abzug, both pro-communist radicals. both repulsively ugly jewish hags. for all their rhetoric and intellectualism, there is no mistaking that they--and so many other ugly jewish hags--formulated a new kind of feminism to strike out jealously at the beautiful world. increasingly in the late 50s and early 60s, more and more jewish men--making more money--were gravitating toward shikses. also, the standard of beauty in the US was 'aryan'-ish, not jewish. to be sure, there are many gorgeous jewish gals, but the ugly ones are really, truly, hideously ugly. an ugly shikse is just plain and simple ugly. an ugly jewess has a face like satan's hemrrhoid. just look at annie lebovitz, barbra streisand, friedan, dworkin, and many others. ugh!!!! also, jewish ugliness may
seem more offensive because of jewish smarts. an ugly shikse may not be worth noticing physically or intellectually, so we can ignore her; she has no claim to 'greatness'. but, an ugly jewess, being smart, may occupy a prominent position in society and become a leader of a movement or an organization; so, her ugliness really sticks out as an ideological statement of defiance against beauty and normality.

while there was a genuine intellectual and progressive element to feminism of the 60s, there was also an element of envy, resentment, and anger. it was similar to the anger that black women feel toward white girls. black women hate white girls cuz black men generally prefer white women or white-looking-black-women to black women who look all nappy headed and broad nosed and shi*. so, the black bitch will sometimes go out of her way to act 'niggerish' to express her anger and hatred. often, she will not admit that her anger is motivated by jealousy of the white bitch, but the feelings are there.
similarly, the jewish hag will not admit that she is motivated by her jealousy of the 'aryan' looking shikse. but, we know better.

jews have employed three strategies to deal with this resentment with goy prettiness. one is to sexually win over the goy boy or girl and give birth to half-jew/half-gentile kid. it's like a compromise between jew and goy interests. the jewish part of the kid will gain better looks. the goy part of the kid will gain jewish smarts.
the second part of the strategy has been to normalize jewish looks as a valid standard of beauty. so, hollywood has given us barbra streisand in many sexy, glamorous roles. we are supposed to consider her beautiful, as star material--and not just as a comedienne--, as a sex goddess. sarah jessica parker is merely a continuation of this attempt. and there are some others, like the woman who was in 'living in oblivion' and bette midler. and, it's not just with jews. jews in hollywood want to normalize ugliness of all races as a counter-beauty standard against the aryan model. so, we have sandra oh, a kind of korean jewishy hag. there are surely prettier asian women around, but hollywood jews feel more comfortable with the ugliest asian chick they can find. it's like 'we are ugly but stars'. this also explains the success of whoopie goldberg, who owes much of her success to jewish support.

the third part of the strategy was intellectual, radical, and political. feminism, since the early 60s, has been formulated, defined, and led by ugly jewish hags. to be sure, they sometimes put forth a rather pretty shikse face--like that of patricia ireland--to hide the truly jewish nature of the feminist movement, but they don't fool me. radical feminism has been, essentially, the revenge of the ugly jew hags.
but, its power expanded way beyond ugly-jewish-hagness. because the media--owned and run by liberal jews--were so friendly and embracing of this movement, feminists were able to spread their hate and venom all around. and the main idea that they spread was that a woman who cares about her looks is phony, retarded, brainwashed, and a slave to patriarchy. this message was sent out ostensibly as a means to fight patriarchy but it was really a way for ugly jewish girls to make themselves the social, moral, and political leaders of womandom.
imagine a highschool where you have ugly unpopular jewish girls. they look at the blonde aryan girls and feel soooo angry. if jewish girls said, 'looks shouldn't count', everyone would see the ugly jewish girls as jealous. so, feminists couldn't simply say that. indeed, the idea that looks aren't everything and that the beauty of one's soul is more important than the beauty of one's looks is old hat and nothing new; it's also rather passive and conservative, encouraging women to be loving, compassionate, and so on. ugly jew hags didn't want to be saints; they wanted power. also, they were angry as hell. so, instead of saying being good-hearted is more important than good-looking, they said that the whole concept of looking-good is just a patriarchal ploy to turn women into (1) braindead mannequins and then (2) child-birthing machines. this was a brilliant strategy and it worked. many good looking shikse girls began to feel that they were dumb because they were into good looking or cared about looks at all. also, women who chose to be mothers were felt worthless due to feminist notion that a woman who doesn't opt for career, power, and money is a house slave; such women were made to feel dumb; supposedly, they decided to be mothers because they only had looks and didn't have the brains and clit to make it in the big world.

if the ugly jewish girls had gone to pretty shikses and honestly said, 'you may be prettier but i'm better than you cuz i'm smarter', the shikses would have told the jew girls to fuc* off.
so, jew girls framed the debate so as appear that they were speaking for ALL women--not just for smart ugly hags--and so that all women would be liberated from the evil power of patriarchy.
instead of setting themselves against the pretty shikes--thereby alienating the shikses--, the ugly jew hags drove a wedge between the handsome stud and the pretty girl.
in truth, it was the pretty girls that the ugly jew hags really really hated and were jealous of. but, jew hags couldn't admit such. so, they decided to make the pretty girls pay by making them suspicious of one thing that made them truly happy--their beauty and its desirability to men.
as jew girls were smarter and cleverer--and helped by the powerful media and academia--many dimwith goy pretty girls fell for this tripe. even smart goy girl hillary clinton fell for it. she was naturally a good looking women, but in her 20s and 30s she went out of her way to look ugly, frumpy,and such for ideological reaons. she wanted to be taken 'seriously' by feminists and not be seen as just another bimbo.
it was not just hillary. gloria steinem was a pretty jewish woman but she joined the movement as so to prove that she's 'not just another pretty face'. because pretty faces were made to feel ashamed for their bimbohood, more and more pretty faces tried to win recognition from the feminists who held the moral power over what a 'liberated' or 'free' woman was.
usually, the pretty girl was made to prove her 'intelligence' and 'social worth' by slavishly adopting the political slogans and causes of radical jews. the best example of this is jane fonda as hanoi jane. it was a case of a pretty--albeit not too bright--woman desperately trying to win credentials as a 'serious person' by taking on radical causes. even today, she is petted on her head by leftwing jews who used her like the dude was used in 'the manchurian candidate'.

over time, especially starting in the 80s, this power of radical feminism waned cuz a new generation of girls got sick of their mothers bitching about womyn-power, but more importantly because, starting in the late 80s, negro-ish attitudes took over pop culture. it was the pimp-and-ho act, and it was heavily sexual and defined the worth of males and females by raw animal standards. also, porno industry became heavily interracial, which was politically correct.
one thing feminist are unwilling to tackle is black influence, culture, and power, which are always regarded as positive according to political correctness. it was easy for feminists to rail against heavy metal and hard rock, but most didn't have the guts to denounced black culture. similarly, while leftists will howl about white supremacism or nationalism, they are mum about the black supremacism and nationalism. when a white guy spouts neo-nazi nonsense, jews will shout back. but, if some afrocentrist says blacks invented civilization and all whites did was steal from blacks, jews will stay mum. only mary lefkowicz--decent jewish woman--has spoken up about this hatred and lunacy.

anyway, the feminists have painted this image that in order for a woman to be good, she has to be (1)an ugly jewess (2) ugly goyess (3) if pretty, a mental slave of the leftwing jew--like jane fonda. many pretty bimbos who became feminists have been led to believe that they are fighting for their own rights when, in fact, they are only serving the interests and vengeful agenda of the ugly leftwing jew hags(who are like lady kaeda in kurosawa's Ran).
a pretty woman who is not a 'feminist' is deemed to be a mere slave, a slut, a bimbo, a nitwit, dumb blonde, etc.

but, then came ann coulter. she's your typical barbie doll aryan gal. in terms of looks and style, she's everything that the ugly leftwing jew haggesses detest. but, she's not willing to play the dumb blonde bimbo barbie doll game. she hits back. she's proud to be good looking. she's proud to be white. she's proud to be blonde. she doesn't need the blessing of ugly leftwing jewesses to have self-respect. she doesn't have to go on (jewish)vagina monologues to feel empowered as a woman. she feels empowered because she's a proud white woman who's proud of her white race and proud of her father, brother, husband--if she gets married--, and future sons. she knows that her true people and tribe are her people, not ugly leftwing jew hags. white people were made by the union of white men and white women, not be the orders, agenda, and dictates of ugly leftwing jewish hags.

there was some of this with camille paglia too--another good looking babe. but, paglia was rather old when she got started in the counter-feminist movement. also, she's not as iconic in her counter-ugly-jewish-hagness. coulter is. still, paglia contributed greatly to the counter-feminist movement by reviving the cult of beauty and individual spirit. she found modern feminism to be puritanical and group-thinkish. paglia's no conservative but she hates herd-mentality and she's intoxicated with beauty in all things--music, arts, dress, make up, movies, etc.

so, that is the main worth of ann coulter. she has serious personality issues. she's often foolish. she sometimes punches below the belt. but, she will not kneel down before the ugly jew hags who've defined womanhood for so long.

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