it's funny how political commentators decry the stupidity of the american people. for example, many liberals have despaired over the fact that 80% of americans saw a connection between 9/11 and saddam hussein. they complained that americans are uninformed, ignorant, paranoid, and simple-minded.
of course, this particular stupidity didn't bother bush and the neo-cons as it helped their venture in iraq. what did it matter as long as the stupidity goaded the people to support the war?
so, are we to conclude that liberals are for truth and intelligence while conservatives are for deceit and stupidity? sometimes yes, sometimes no.
at other times, it's the opposite.
indeed, consider these cases where liberals and leftists not only tolerated stupidity and ignorance but welcomed them.
take the JFK mooie by oliver stone. it's pure fantasy based on paranoia, sensationalism, fear-mongering, wild speculation, conspiracy theories, and such and such. it says lee harvey oswald was just a patsy while the real killers of kennedy were members of the vast rightwing conspiracy. there was no factual basis for this, only wild guesswork and fabrication. yet, so many liberals embraced and championed JFK the mooie simply because it had the preferred effect on the people--it promoted anti-americanism and distrust of 'rightwingers'. after the film's release, 80% of americans said they believed that JFK was killed by a conspiracy. yes, all because of a movie. yet, liberals didn't decry the fact that great many americans had been shamelessly manipulated, conned, and lied to, nor the fact that so many people were dumb enough to be affected by stone's movie. of course, many so-called educated liberals were themselves taken in by all the conspiracy theories. they refused to believe that liberal JFK was killed by a communist. only the evil rightwing could/would have planned such a thing.
there were some liberals who were dumb enough to take JFK the movie seriously. but, even those who didn't buy any of it endorsed it because they liked the impact it had on the masses. they knew that the masses were being fooled by a charlatan, but it was okay as long as it was driving the people to the left.
of course, there were even bigger stupidities supported or tolerated by liberals simply because it drove many americans to the leftist or liberal camp. take communism. we know that communism was evil. and US was the good guy vs evil communist nations. but, liberals put forth this myth that communism wasn't so bad, and in some ways, even superior to our system because its commitment to 'progressive' ideals was more total or radical. it was said that the only real sin of communism was in trying to do too much good too fast. in truth, communism was a destroyer of all freedom, property, thought, culture, and tradition. yet, a moral equivalence was allowed to take root in the minds of many americans. and many americans came to believe such nonsense because the liberal media bought into it.
now, many liberals knew this to be a lie and knew that communism was indeed evil. but, as long as making anti-communists look bad made liberals look good, liberals were all for spreading lies and stupidity among the masses on the matter of communism.
now, we must distinguish between populist stupidity based on ignorance and elitist stupidity based on arrogance. the notion that 9/11 was related to hussein was a classic case of populist stupidity, based on bigoted feelings toward 'ragheads' and ignorance of world affairs--indeed, most people bunched together all of the middle east as one entity. and, the right often depends on this kind of populist know-nothing stupidity.
liberal stupidity, on the other hand, pretends to be based on knowledge, sophistication, intelligence, curiosity, and compassion. this is why liberal stupdity is, in some ways, more exasperating.
it's understandable why some red state peckerwood couldn't tell iraq from iran or pakistan from afghanistan. but, we really wonder why someone who has a college degree and read so many books could possibly have a soft spot for communism, make apologies for stalin and his ilk, love che guevara the marxist totalitarian, believe that jfk was killed by a CIA plot, and why africa would be all fine and hunky dory if more aid was made available. conservative masses are stupid cuz they really are ignorant. but, it looks like liberals are stupid because... they are educated!! of course, many of them are 'educated'--more like brainwashed--by leftwing jews who look down on the masses of goyim as stupid sheep to mind-control and manipulate. when a leftwing professor looks about the classroom, he thinks, 'look at all those dummy goyim. what can i do to make them kiss my jewish ass? how do you castrate their balls and then turn into a bunch of sorryass pussyboys following liberal and leftist jewish orders?' and, in a way, this is the genius of liberal brainwashing. even though it is no less idiotic, stupid, and moronic than rightwing brainwashing, it has the conceit of intellectualism and thought. this is done by, first, instilling much self-loathing and guilt upon a certain group--mostly white males. meanwhile, it instills moral arrogance and self-pity among certain groups like blacks and homos. from a young age, depending on your race or sexual orientation or sexuality, you are made to feel noble, wonderful, and innocent OR hideous, evil, and guilty. once these controls are in, liberal media and academia feed the people with SELECTIVE information which passes for 'knowledge'. for example, PBS will re-run the same special on emmit till and his murder in the 50s. so, that counts as historical knowledge. yet, PBS will never ever run a program on all the whites beaten, raped, or killed by blacks since the 1960s. there are many many more white emitt tills who were savagely killed by blacks than vice versa. but, where is the remembrance of such? nowhere as the media and academia are run by leftwing jews and guilt-ridden pussyboy white gentile liberals who kiss leftwing jewish ass.
liberals flatter themselves on openmindedness but their search and reporting of news are always extremely selective and lopsided, especially when it comes to jews and blacks. for example, liberals remind us over and over of the holocaust. they point to this as liberal interest in history and truth. but, they cover up the other side of jewish history--that jews played a very big role in the creation and spread of communism which killed 100 million people in the 20th century. that many many american jews who posed as liberals were actually radical leftists and communists who spied for USSR and did everything in their power to subvert american power and security. we are told over and over of how mccarthy was evil but hardly told of the extent of communist penetration in US government and cultural life. during the 40s and 50s, it's true that most communists and communist-sympathizers were removed from US government. but, institutions of arts, entertainment, academia, and media were infested with them. and they would subvert the nation from all these angles. NY Times helped castro to power. and US media helped north vietnam win the war. some liberals were genuinely anti-communist and opposed the vietnam war because it couldn't be won, but many more liberals actively wanted the communist side to win. liberal knowledge is never openminded and fair but selective. but, liberals sure are busy in disseminating their 'knowledge'. since even selective knowledge can be volumnious, we mistakenly think that liberals are really for knowledge and truth. but the real truth is that liberals have their simple apriori notions of good and bad. and all they do is find those facts that serve their causes while totally ignoring or snuffing information to the contrary. this is especially true of leftwing jews. because leftwing jews make up only a small minority in the US in terms of overall numbers, they need to castrate the majority population. leftwing jews experienced what a proud, unified, nationalistic people can do to a minority in germany. so, liberal and leftwing jews want american goyim to be bland, pussyboy, faggotyass, etc. and liberal jews do this by baiting white guilt about slavery and by using blacks to take predominance in the athletic field. this way, white boys have been tamed and castrated mentally and physically. since, liberal jews don't wanted to be baited on their role in communism, they are busy to remind all of us over and over that red-baiting or jew-baiting is evil. but, of course, jewish baiting of christians and whites is okay. according to liberal jews, they can accuse white christians of what the latter did to negroes, BUT white christians must NOT bait leftist jews on what leftist jews did to millions of slavs who came to enslaved and mass-murdered under communism. indeed, soviet communism killed more people than all the negroes now alive in the US. and leftist jews played a big big role in it. but, if we mention it, we are 'jew-baiters'. but, when liberal jews bait white america about slavery, why that's simply 'progressive activism'.
anyway, both the right and left have given up on the intelligence of the people. leaders of both sides have long concluded that people are generally stupid and 'can't handle the truth'. so, it's really a matter of steering stupidity their way.
what does it matter if rush limbaugh is a stupid liar as long as he wins over morons to the rightist cause?
what does it matter if michael moore is a stupid liar as long as he wins over morons to the leftist cause?
this is nothing new in politics, but let's be honest and say both sides have invested heavily in stupidity. both sides love stupidity and ignorance as long as such serve their interests and hate intelligence and knowledge if such help the enemy. it is for this reason that liberals are more hypocritical because they talk as though they are for thought, intelligence, and openmindedness. is this why bono has such a simple-minded understanding of africa? is this why springsteen's semi-retarded musings on the economy is taken for wisdom? is this why liberals are addicted to jon stewart lebovich, michael moore, madonna, and oprah?
is this why jews have so much power, influence, and wealth, but we are not even allowed to talk about it whereas jews can bitch on and on about cuban-american influence, asian influence, white christian influence, catholic influence, etc?
or consider princess diana. what a dumb twad. but, as long as she supported darling causes of the left, liberals turned her into a saint. indeed, all paris hilton has to do is go to africa, adopt a baby, and demand more aid be given to africa and she'll be hailed as the model citizen of the entire world. whether jane fonda or paris hilton, liberals love useful idiocy.
intellectualism is never about the truth but only a truth... or only a lie. anything can be intellectualized whether history, movies, star trek, etc. liberals have this funny notion that the more something is intellectualized, more truthful it is; and since, liberals tend to be more intellectual-ish than conservatives, they must be closer to the truth!!! in fact, this is often just narcissistic gameplaying by liberals to show off their fancy mental fireworks. but, what does it have to do with truth? sartre was a million times more intellectual than solzhenitsyn but who was right and who was wrong about soviet communism? of course, sartre knew of stalin's crimes but as long he could intellectualize(rationalize) them, what did actual facts matter--why they were merely an annoyance standing in the way of intellectual brilliance?
who has more genuine sense about economics? a marxist intellectual or small business owner? the latter of course, but the liberal will often prefer the former; since the marxist is an intellectual, speaks brilliantly, and has written many essays and books, he MUST be closer to the truth. many liberals really think thus. consider studs terkel who kissed sartre's ass all his life. terkel has never let us forget of the evil of mccarthyism--which amounted to some folk singers being blacklisted--but he was always eager to praise and admire sartre, a man who apologized for a regime that killed 30 million and enslaved many more. terkel interviewed many people, wrote alot of books and articles. he is your stereotypical liberal. but, did he understand humanity and history any better than a peckerwood? no. now, i'm not defending willful ignorance of such folks as hillbillies and stupid negroes. i'm all for more knowledge. i'm just saying that alot of liberals are full of shi* cuz they mistake intellectualism for truth and because they betray their own principles and promote and rely on ignorance when it serves their causes. at other times, they resort to outright lies and simplifications to gain a political or cultural advantage.
when larry summers said sexual differences should be looked into as the possible causes for wide divergence between male and female achievement in math and sciences, he was calling for an openminded inquiry. but, most 'liberals' went crazy and said such matters should not even be broached. we should take it on faith that sexes are totally equal, and all differences in society are due to social factors--of white male oppression. this is surely ignorance and censorship but as it's a piece of 'progressivism' with a lot of 'intellectual' theory and 'science' behind it, gee, it must be truth and the only truth; so, there is no reason to look into this subject, no reason to think!
same with the issue of race which many liberals tell us is just a social fabrication, a myth. again, liberals rely on selective gathering of evidence and lopsided argument based on this incomplete data to make the point that their arguments are irrefutably 'scientific' and 'objective'. true openminded and scientific inquiry would allow all questions to be asked; it should tolerate no taboos. we shouldn't be afraid of any truth, any possible conclusion. but, liberals wont' have any of that. they know what is good for us. if certain truths are too 'dangerous' for us to handle and if it's better for us to live in ignorance, then the liberal will always choose ignorance and intimidation.
so, don't tell me that liberalism is about truth, intelligence, and knowledge while conservatism is about lies, stupidity, and ignorance. both are for intelligence only to the extent that it serves their cause while both are for stupidity when stupidity serves their cause.
liberal jews tell us to be smarter and know more about the past as long as it involves stuff like the holocaust. but, when it comes to jewish role in communism, liberal jews would prefer if we knew NOTHING. they want us to be intelligent and knowledgable about the holocaust but stupid and ignorant about the bolshocaust.
personally, i say that as long as liberal jews keep using black slavery to castrate and weaken white christian power in the US, white christians ought to rub the liberal jew's nose in communism to show that two can play that game. liberal jews say that white christians ought to kiss jewish and black ass for the holocaust and black slavery. well, it's time white christians said liberal jews ought to kiss white christian ass for communism and radicalism. how many christian slavs died because of communism? how many asians and latinos?
we have liberal jews going on and on about southern baptist power, catholic power, mormon power, cuban american power, asian lobby, etc. well, let us talk similarly about liberal jewish power which is greater than all others combined. yet, liberal jews wanna keep us stupid and ignorant about the extent of liberal jewish power. indeed, many stupid goyim think that being critical of jews is the greatest sin; oh my, it's 'anti-semitic'!! this is funny when these goyim are far poorer and less powerful than liberal jews who are superrich and powerful. yet, these poor weak helpless goyim feel pity for the billionaire liberal jew!! charlie rose is merely a puppet of liberal jews yet he acts like he's the friend that poor helpless jews need in order to survive in a nazi dominated world. now, that is stupid.
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