Friday, January 25, 2008

If Jews can accuse the GOP for pandering to the Christian Right, why can't we accuse Democrats of sucking up to Jewish Left?

Are GOP candidates the puppets of the Christian Right? Whatever the merits of this accusation, the fact is there are many christian right and evangelical people in the US. so, GOP is responding to large number of americans.
what's more alarming is the fact that Democratic candidates are puppets of the Jewish Left. Jews make up only 2% of the population, and not all Jews are leftists. Even many liberal Jews are not leftist. Yet, almost all Democratic candidates are beholden to the interests, agendas, and goals of the Jewish Left. (and, let's not forget that all republicans are beholden to neocon jewish interests).
Why is it okay to discuss Republican candidates in relation to the Christian Right power but impermissible to discuss Democratic candidates in relation to the Jewish Left? To be sure, Jewish Left doesn't portray themselves as Jewish or as being for Jewish causes or values; it can also be argued that the majority of leftists are not Jewish. But, a disproportionate percentage of leftists are Jewish. Also, the main thinkers and leaders of the Leftist movement are Jewish. And, modern leftism is rooted in Jewish culture, thoughts, and traditions. Just open up any leftist magazine, and the majority of its editors and writers are Jewish. To this extent, we must discuss Democratic politics in terms of its link with and dependence--intellectual and financial--on the Jewish Left. Also, it's wrong to think of Jewish leftists are underground radical types. They are just as likely capitalists or entrepreneurs--actually, they are better at business than most Republican Ayn Rand reading types--, and make millions or billions of dollars which they use to fund leftist or liberal agendas. If Karl Marx were alive today, he'd be a high priced university professor teaching children of the upper class or a Hollywood mogul raking in billions by selling us mindless junk and using that revenue to support leftwing causes.

Indeed, it's sad that most leftist Jews are better at business than most conservative goyim who babble on and on about free trade and so on. I take it there are more liberals than conservatives among the rich. I'd say there are more rich folks among leftist jews than among the rightwing christian types who've bought into low taxes and free trade which actually favors the economic interests of liberal jewish rich. your average liberal jew is much richer than your average conservative christian. anti-capitalist jews are better at business and earn more than pro-capitalist christians.

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